Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Rhinoplasphemy anyone...

Ya so like the depatment has taken a slight change here and there. There has been a shift in the admin workings of the department. Most may know by now that Angela, has retired from her post as secretary for now, and her post since this year has been moved to north campus (technikon). Mrs Kendrick has been ppromoted to Angela's post and is now working as the secretary on the north campus, as Marianna handles our campus. Jaqui now runs both the Copy Center and the Data Center, (copy in the morning and data in the afternoons). Boban is back as the 2nd yr design leader, and Don Flint has taken over the firts years, with new assistan Quinsly Sale and Erik Groblar. The new pay as you go printing initiative that has taken place ib the department seems to be taking toll on the student, cutting all freedom of printing at convienience off. You know have to pay an amount to Jaqui, who then writes out a reciept which needs to be handed to Andrew and then added to your account before you can print, the system is being tweaked so the process can be simpler, and is only on the A3 printers until later applied to the big plotters.
Some mite not be familiar with the 'red arrow' which gracefully guides architects to their second home, kinda like a trail of cheese for a mouse. it didnt last long, but ya, the ribbon skyline in blue n brown through out the departmenthas been added, as well as a colour change to some of the old murals, and a new ARchitecture sign board. Here's pics of all the action that went down with more to come later:

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