Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Post-Document hand in

One Story.... 7 Authors..... 14 containers of alcohol, and one jew, this is what we got :

One day in the garden of Eden, Sandy and Eve were contemplating eating a certain apple.... or maybe it was a pear??.... No Wait, it was a guava!! ' I do desire to munch on the sweet, dripping guava of desire" said Sandy, " i shalt rou-shambo you " said Eve, "What is that" said Sandy, " Let me show you " said Eve

And she pulled out a Large over-ripe mango. The villagers pulled back and worshipped her as though she was a god. Hey-hum-hum-hum they chanted as they lifted her over their heads and carried her to the edge of the volcano. The lava was bubbling and hissing

And then she asked "where did Meryl Streep get those sexy shoes she wore for lunch the other day??", then they walked over to the greener pastures to have kinky donkey sex for the rest of the aftrenoon (under the willow tree), But that was not all, Snow White and Little Red riding hood had a better idea

I would study Architecture instead. But it turned out it would be better to go work in a potatoe factory in russia. I didnt see it, the olfa blade was moving swiftly across my finger and the next thing that happened seemed to shock everyone!!

A surprising anomally, revealing only the unexpected, he gathered his troop of apes, determined to get the best of their only enemy, george bush, disguised himself with a turban, and penetrated george's only safe guard, his underpants. Orange flowers now scattered over the black car, as thomas the tank-end man and his friends pop into Friends, house of coffee and blends, for some coffee, and are distgusted with the lack of cool drinks available. It was then that James walked out the closet, withone important statement, a confession that would change all our preconceptions, he said

'Erin is a DICK' , but the thing he didnt realise was that at that moment, the badger milk he had taken earlier that day started to work its magic. His gut churned and he let out a resounding fart, releasing into the atmosphere a gas cloud that consumed everything in its vicinity. The survivors, who were few and far between started their long and painful recovery. That part of the studio would never be the same again

the most noticable change was the new light in the studio head andrews brain so hard he started to grew beard and call him self Mr. Palferman, forcing people to convert to eclectic polfermanizem as the new style wher the measure of all things is

and the king made a judgement that stood till the end of time.

The end

Each color represents an individual author, the rules were that the next author in line would only be able to see the last line and continue with the story from there.

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