Saturday, July 22, 2006

Day four...

The glow of the coal began to smelter in the subtle lit red room, whilst another glass is filled with the worlds greatest box wine - Namaqua! . Its the first time the long awaited box of choc mint hubbly was set alight. Nico, fax n bob then proceded to plan the upcoming night. So Giovannis was the next venue on the operations for the night, where much tequila joined the party. The night as it was, came to an end with myself and nico at Toby Jalopies getting young hairdresser, dj Brad to yelp " You Dirty Girls " much in the similar tone a cat would make had u have to stand on it.

A rather frosty morning it was, decided its a good day to work, work on what?? i dont fuckin know??, but i'll work - its a conscious thing. Soon, a comp will start, a talley to measure the strength of relationships, as a new theory was born yesturday - a relationship is a count of the number of movies you've watched together.
Three Couples - one movie screen, who will win???

So Today, i hearby present englishman Sir Faxworth Philip Crank , also known as Neil amongst some. part one of the 2 part Hobbit series - was found at the deepest cracks of Vanderbijlpark, fortuanately he made it out alright, obviously a bit upset, has complained about everything from blue skies to the smell of shit being bad. Still tho, if u see him out, buy him a beer - its a rare occation.

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