Monday, July 31, 2006

Day thirteen...

Welcome to Mykonos...

Okay so its been awhile, but after an enjoyable celebratory trip to Greece spreading the word of peace and goodwill, Ms Masifunde - Erin 'the Ball' Gibbs, has promised a few pics of his memorible trip away from Africa. The following pics maybe offensive to strange people, if you find them offensive please click on any of the pics below which wil link you to another web page.
It was a warm summers day in greece as the locals celebrated the welcoming of our very own Ms Masifunde pageant queen to the lands. As you can see in the following pics, the greeks put on their own show, but nothing can compare to the compelling beauty of Ms (Mass)ifunde (a winning pic can be seen in an earlier post).

A heppy Birthday to Javi Avi!!!!!the guy is getting old....

Dont Forget to PLEASE post some comments!!!! Shot
Master Bob

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


*** NEWS FLASH ***

Following allegations which lead to the misplacement of one of the senior Studio Masters, and 5th year Super Hero, Alrecht Herold, that were based on the disgusting and inconsiderate notions set forth by the NMMNMNNU, were found to be true in nature. In an earlier meeting today, Mr Herold, representing himself, stated true the actions taken by him to strike against the NMNMNu in hope that obligations of payment for the hard efforts taken and accomplished by his office in aid of the recent RIBA inspection, ( which were deemed a success), be fully compensated. Though his efforts were not successful, he has chosen for the sake of his 5th yr regime to return in spite of the the university's behaviour, and non-appricaiative stand towards the efforts by his office. Other actions will have to be taken. People,...Albrecht is back.
In other agendas today, it was a first successful gaming 3 rounds for Bob coming out on top during the 'Have a Break, Play some Quake' action which occured just earlier tonight, after falling second to the Mighty Faxy ' Slayer' Crank during the morning rounds. The Talleys will be up soon.
Today, i present King Gareth 'the Mas' Clive Leonard(o). Aside from his talent to gracefully belt out Phantom of the Opera, this rally driver had also delved into acting for a short stint, starring as the well known 'Walker, Texas Ranger' . When the eyes of the ranger are upon you..... Catch him Only on E!


Saturday, July 22, 2006

Day four...

The glow of the coal began to smelter in the subtle lit red room, whilst another glass is filled with the worlds greatest box wine - Namaqua! . Its the first time the long awaited box of choc mint hubbly was set alight. Nico, fax n bob then proceded to plan the upcoming night. So Giovannis was the next venue on the operations for the night, where much tequila joined the party. The night as it was, came to an end with myself and nico at Toby Jalopies getting young hairdresser, dj Brad to yelp " You Dirty Girls " much in the similar tone a cat would make had u have to stand on it.

A rather frosty morning it was, decided its a good day to work, work on what?? i dont fuckin know??, but i'll work - its a conscious thing. Soon, a comp will start, a talley to measure the strength of relationships, as a new theory was born yesturday - a relationship is a count of the number of movies you've watched together.
Three Couples - one movie screen, who will win???

So Today, i hearby present englishman Sir Faxworth Philip Crank , also known as Neil amongst some. part one of the 2 part Hobbit series - was found at the deepest cracks of Vanderbijlpark, fortuanately he made it out alright, obviously a bit upset, has complained about everything from blue skies to the smell of shit being bad. Still tho, if u see him out, buy him a beer - its a rare occation.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Day three...

So day three.... Survivor Architecture - light winds gush outside, though the sun shines through with a little chill in the exposed air. Thesis class remain calm, unknowing the horror to come over the next hundred days or so. She woke me up early this morning, pleasant... yet, i shat my self as the vibrate function continued to hammer on the bare wooden bedside table like a million wood peckers on a caffine high.

Lecturarers on strike set chaos through the air, the distant cries of help and discertainty ripple the natural flow of energy through this place. I dunno what i'm going to do, - sleep, sleep sleep...... whilst mild mannered students run down to the nearest watering hole for an early morning beer, its Amstel in the Kraal friday.

So wat is it i'm trying to do?? the ever evolving society, particularly our generation, has a changed set of needs, or rather different. What is the world we live in, what is this place?. It is different now, technology has altered urban settlements - that certain interaction of activities which once defined parts of cities, has changed in nature. Have traditionally beautiful spaces n places become a redundant or outdated function?? The dominant nature of place has changed with the social and political globalisation. Technology has affected society - socially, culturally, commercially, and in an industralist wager. A critical place, that uncertainty of future, as people are more informed, and strive to be through their curiosity. This place, a world of information exchange, Event through exchange, Trade through exchange...

Important Messages :

- as it is Friday, alcohol restrictions have been dropped in outer Port Elizabeth regions...
- Jono ran down the hot water again - this guy uses hot water!
- Carol was caught in the act labeling fellow student Tsolo ' Hans Solo' to the rolo, a " raging alchoholic".

Yes, it is this man!! I introduce Group Leader Lapham, fellow house mate, winner of most charitable archi to hobo's Award, pianist, bassist, falconist and surviving Zimbabwean. Sir Jona I. R Lapham.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


These are the Hoods - Grad Party 2005

Back Row - Gareth, Jono, Yunis, Lodi, Avi, Hendro

Front Row - Carol, Neil, Sonia, Daler, n me

Monsters of ROCK !!!! 2005
-Jono (bald) - Drum Animal!
-Dale (red head with finger) - the Shredder
-Jono (strange hat) - the Bass Man (vocals too)
-Roshan (indian) - Yeilding the 6string Axe

' Ms Masifundi Node' 2006
The first Annual winner of Knysna Township main node beauty and elegance pageant:

Erin "the Hands" Gibb (a.k.a eBall)

Important Messages :

- CONGRATULATIONS to E.Gibb for that splendid performance, hope the Germany tour went well!

Day two...

So day two of the blog, all is calm in the land of architecture, geof reminded me of how much i missed my bed, ohh bed.... Thesis has gone a long way to no where today! So..... two gold fish are in a tank , one says to the other one, "i'll man the guns, if you drive" :)

Giovannis - (left to right)
A litter of people

Giovannis - ( left to right)
More people

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Hello, welcome....

So if one were to anaylize in depth the increasing amount of water evapuourating simultaneously with that of the amount of ice melting , and weighed it against the mass amout transfrered over and that above of the land mass available, one would notice too, that the there is still the same amount of water today as yesturday, and 10 yrs ago!, So why cant i wash my car with a hose pipe!!!

So this is my Architacturer forum discussion n shit, post a comment with questions etc... or help with other debates n sh*t. Lekker!
Important notices:

- Congratulations to Jono on his 1 month and 25 day anniversary!!
- Nico successfully sucked at maths and scored an all time high of 108 on his i.q
- Sonia spoke to her mom today.

Congratualtions to all!!

Master Bob